International board of
research and standards (IBORS)

Welcome to the International Board of Research and Standards (IBORS), an essential component of the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK). The IBORS plays a vital role in advancing the field of Applied Kinesiology by ensuring the highest standards of research and practice. The primary mission of the IBORS encompasses several key objectives. Firstly, it regulates and monitors the objective review of Applied Kinesiology techniques and procedures, establishing standards for inclusion in the approved material of the ICAK. Secondly, the IBORS actively promotes and supports high-quality research in the field of Applied Kinesiology and manual muscle testing. It facilitates advancements, innovations and scholarly excellence through its dedication to fostering rigorous scientific inquiry. Furthermore, the IBORS provides valuable resources and guidance to ICAK members on research-related matters. Whether it involves advice on project setup or identifying primary research areas of concern in Applied Kinesiology, the board acts as a knowledgeable and accessible resource. The IBORS also extends its expertise beyond the ICAK membership. It offers expert advice to universities and external organizations interested in conducting research in Applied Kinesiology and manual muscle testing, thereby contributing to the expansion and dissemination of knowledge in the field.


The ICAK outnumbered more than 13 chapters located around the world. Make sure you consult the list to find the one in your proper country.The ICAK outnumbered more than 13 chapters located around the world. Make sure you consult the list to find the one in your proper country.
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IBORS - board team

Dr Lawrence Calderon


Thibaut Nercam


Dr Alan Jenks


Dre. Anne-Eugénie Simard

Chiropractor, M.Sc., DIBAK

Dr Trevor Chetcuti

BcSc, BAppSc (Clinical), DIBAK, CNET Chair IBORS

Contact us


Is there anything more valuable in practice than real time data on what to do, when to do it, and how successful it was? Every technique out there has its time and place, and thanks to AK I don't have to guess.
Dr Joe Smith,
Chiropractor DIBAK, DACNB
Using Applied Kinesiology helps me take the guess work in identifying and correcting my patients' problems. It is the best diagnostic technique I have come across and helps me in all aspects of my practice. I use it to help optimize performance in professional NHL, NFL, and MLB players in addition to helping get to the root cause and help those with chronic illness.
Dr. Noah Lebowitz,
What does Professional Applied Kinesiology do for my practice? It keeps me satisfied in practice. There is no other single diagnostic methodology better equipped to help evaluate multiple systems of a patient. The key to PAK is understanding the thought process, having a system to traverse what treatments will create the greatest benefit for the patient. You will never get bored with AK. Constantly learning new things only expands the abilities and outcomes as unfortunately people are becoming more and more complex in their health problems.
Dr John Wittle,
Applied Kinesiology totally brought another dimension to my practice and my vision of health. It gave me the will to always ask myself ‘’WHY’’ every day with my patient. I go to work excited and enthusiast all day, every day.
Dr Genevieve Gagne,
Chiropractor DIBAK
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